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Taiwan Yilan District Prosecutors Office:Back to homepage



  • Publication Date:
  • Last updated:2021-08-17
  • View count:2226


Location map

Address:No.3, Sianjheng W. Rd., Yilan City, Yilan County 260, Taiwan (R.O.C.)

Transportation information

Mass Transportation
From North going South:Take the train to Yilan train station ,Exit from thefront exit. Take the Yising Bus to the County Hall stop.
From South going North:Take the train to Luodong train station ,Exit from thefront exit. Take the Yising Bus to the County Hall stop.

From North going South:
(1) Sindian→Beiyi Highway【No.9 Provincial Highway】→Jiaosi→ Yilan City→County Hall.
(2) Keelung【or Rueifang】→Binhai Highway【No. 2 Provincial Highway】→Toucheng→Jiaosi→Yilan City →County Hall.

From South going North:
Hualien→Suhua Highway 【No.9 Provincial Highway】 →Suao→Coastal Highway【No.2 ProvincialHighway】 →Wujie→Lanyang Bridge→County Hall.

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