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A Brief Introduction of Service Center

  • Publication Date:
  • Last updated:2019-05-21
  • View count:2458
A Brief Introduction of Service Center






Complaint Window for Victims of Felony

       We are concernd about your rights and interests. If you or your
relatives are victimized in a felony, please present your case through
this window to us. We will handle the case immediately and properly.

Complaint BOx : No.3, Sianjheng W. Rd., Yilan City, Yilan County
Complaint Tel : ( 03 ) 9253661
Complaint Fax : ( 03 ) 9252839
Complaint P.0.Box : Yilan P.0. Box 142 
Email Box : ilcmail@mail.moj.gov.tw

Application Counter & Litigation Assistance Counter

Telephone for litigation assistance : ( 03 ) 9253661 
                                                     ( 03 ) 9253000126 EXt . 326 

Service hours 
08:00 a.m. to 05:30 p.m. ( closed on holidays ) 

Subjects of service:
The public
Victims and their relatives ( For enquiry about a case , ID is required )

Scrvice Counters :

  • Application Counter : Receiving victims' petitions or mails
  • Litigation Assistance Countr:
    • Replying to questions about criminal procedure (including the
      procedure to apply to the prosecutor for appealing the case)
    • Helping a litigant or persons involved understand the procedure of 
    • Assisting persons of surrender to justice , persons who voluntrily
      submit , and the use of the accusation bell
    • Assisting with the report on availability,filing an application , and
      requesting for subpeena or postponement . 
    • Assisting with the procedures of bailing ; fulfilling the obligation by
      the party who bails out a criminal ; petition for end ofdetention ,
      removing the name from the wanted list , and liffing the ban of arrival
      and departure of the country
    • Assisting with payment of bails and fines . 
    • Assisting with applying for Suspending Or delaying the execution ,
      converting the imprisonment into fines , paying nnes with installment
      and converting hnes into imprisonment
    • Assisting with the return of bails , loots , eVidence and ConduCt money
      for witnesses or expert witnesses
    • Assisting with the obtaining of prosecutorial documents , certificate
      for the concusion of a case , and other documents .
    • Replying to enquiries on the progress of reconsideration ,
      investigation , and other matters
    • Writing or making a copy of routine petition without the reasons free
      of charge on behalf of the applicants
    • Providing legal assistance to common people . AS for questions on
      legal affairs , please consult the Bar Association which provides legal
      assistance to common people .
    • Accepting telephone petitions on the following matters :
      1. Reissuing the statement ofprosecution , and statement of  non-prosecution
      2. lssuing a certificate of autopsy
      3. lssuing a certificate oftheconclusionofacase
      4. Issuing a certificate on the Completion ofexeCution
      5. Petition for return of bail , Ioot orevidence
    • Supplying free copies for the following forms , including routine
      forms , petition forms
      1. Certihcate of Appointment
      2. Pdition for transferring a case to the court for trial with another case
      3. Petition for summoning a witness or an expert witness
      4. Petition for a change of the date of appearance
      5. Petition for reconsideration
      6. Petition for withdrawal Of the reconsideration
      7. Petition for withdrawal of a complaint
      8. Petition for hling an appeal by the prosecutor
      9. Petition for repealing a wanted order
      10. Petition for a reply to a request on the progress of a case
      11. Petition for a transfer of jurisdiction
      12. Petition for a change of destination in the delivery of message
      13. Petition for delivering a document
      14. Petition for additional copies of prosecutorial documents
      15. Petition for lifting departure restrictions
      16. Petition for returning the bails
      17. Petition for returning the evidence or other articles withheld
      18. Petition for converting imprisonment into fines
      19. Petition for the payment of fines in installments
      20. Petitlon for converting the unfulfilled part of a sentence into fines
      21. Petition for combining all the sentences to execute
      22. Petition for executing a sentence of imprisonment
      23. Petition for suspension or postponement of the execution of a sentence
      24. Petition for entrusting the other prosecutors' office to execute a sentence
      25. PetitIOn for certificate on the conclusion of a case 
      26. Petition for a certificate on the completion of the execution of a sentence
      27. Petition for a certificate of autopsy 
      28. Petition for reporting by written statement instead of appearance for a person under probation
      29. Petition for an overseas trip by a person under probation
      30. Petition for a change of residence by a person under probation
      31. Patition for extended report by a person under probation
      32. Petition for Ieaving a designated location by a person under probation
      33. Petition of legal assistance by a common person
      34. Document of Appointment
      35. DOcument of Reconciliation
      36. Document of Repentance
    • Other items of service rendered by this office 
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