The Function of Prosecutors
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- Last updated:2019-04-01
- View count:993
Investigation After completion of the investigation, unless initiating a public prosecution according to laws, the prosecutor shall make any one of the following dispositions:
1. Non-prosecution A Prosecutor shall make a disposition of non-prosecution in one of the following circumstances:
2. Transfer of jurisdiction If a prosecutor considers that a case is not within his/she jurisdiction, he/she shall immediately notify or refer the case to the competernt prosecutors’ office 9or military prosecutor) or the competent juvenile court.
Prosecution If evidence obtained by a prosecutor as a result of investigation is sufficient to show that the suspect has committed the crime, the prosecutor shall instigate public prosecution and prepare the filing of an indictment with the court.
Enforcing prosecution After instigating public prosecution on behalf of the State, acting as the accuser, the prosecutor takes action against the accused in the court responsible for trial. For example, he/she shall appear in court on the day of the hearing, state the essential points of the prosecution after the court on the day of the hearing, state the esential points of the prosecution after the court in quires the accused, express opinions after the court investigates evidence and make an appeal immediately if the judgement by the court is considered improper.
Assissting in private prosecution According to the Code of Criminal Procedure, a person who is injured by the commission of crime may intiate a private prosecution if he/she has legal capacity. But if he/she is a person without or with limited legal capacity or dead, his/her statutory agent, lineal ascendant, or spouse may initiate priviate prosecution. If proper asisstance is not rendered to those people ignorant of laws or legal proceedings, who are initiation private complainants are as a result not substantially protected. Thus, regarding those cases of private prosecution notified with the date of hearing by the court, the prosecutor shall render his/her assisstance by expressing opinions if he/she has factual or legal opinions or thinks the case is seriously concerned with the legal interest of the State or society.
Taking charge of private prosecution If a complainant, after initiating his/her private prosecution, is found hesitating or unable to proceed or withdraws his/her private prosecution because of corecion or inducement by the accused, and the consequence is serious, the prosecutor shall take charge of the private prosecution, if necessary, except cases which may be initiated only upon complaint. In accordance with the laws, the prosecution in one of the following circumstances: