Other Bodies which assist in the Exercise of the prosecutorial functions
- Publication Date:
- Last updated:2019-04-01
- View count:1084
In order to assisst a prosecutor in criminal in vestigation, the law manifestly specifies the following offices as the facilitating bodies so as to ensure effective exercise of the prosecutorial function.
1. Judicial police officer:
a. Those who has the duty to assisst a prosecutor in investigation a crime are:
county magistrate or mayor.
The head of a police department, commissioner of police or commissioner of public safety.
Military police officer
b. Those who shall follow the instructions of a prosecutor in investigating a crime are:
Commissioned police officers
Military police officers or non-commis sioned officers.
Persons who are authorized to exercise the duties of a judicial police officer in specific matters.
2. Judicial policemen:
Those who shall follow the order of a prosecutor in investigating a crime are:
military policemen
persons who are authorized to exercise the duties of judicial policment in sepcific matters.