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Taiwan Yilan District Prosecutors Office:Back to homepage


The Yilan District Prosecutors Office is investigating a corruption case involving a staff member with the surname Tu at the Yilan Detention Center of the National Immigration Agency. The prosecutor's request for detention and prohibition of visitation has been approved.

  • Publication Date:
  • Last updated:2024-05-23
  • View count:141

The prosecutor Tsai Ming-Ju of this office directed the Ministry of Justice's Agency Against Corruption to investigate security personnel at the Yilan Detention Center of the Immigration Agency (hereafter referred to as the Yilan Detention Center), including individuals with the surname Tsai, suspected of violating the Anti-Corruption Act. Further investigation revealed that a former section member with the surname Tu, now retired, also allegedly engaged in accepting bribes in violation of the Anti-Corruption Act and other acts of misconduct for illicit gains. Therefore, on the morning of the 21st, the prosecutor led and accompanied agents from the Agency Against Corruption, carrying search warrants issued by the Yilan District Court, to conduct searches at Tu's residence and the Yilan Detention Center. They summoned Tu and six other related individuals to clarify the case. Tu was aware that, according to the Immigration Agency's Detention Management Manual, for foreign detainees who have paid for their plane tickets and fines, the custodial property bag should contain at least NT$10,000. For those who have not paid the aforementioned fees, the bag should contain at least NT$20,000. Only when these amounts are met can detainees keep NT$1,000 for themselves, with a withdrawal interval of 30 days. Additionally, the Foreigners Detention Management Regulations stipulate that friends and family of detainees must have their items checked and approved before being handed over, strictly prohibiting any personal financial transactions, proxy purchases, or entrusted handling of money or goods between duty personnel and detainees or their associates. From April 2021 to June 2023, Tu allegedly violated these regulations by accepting remittances from detainees' friends and family into his personal account, then secretly bringing cash into the detention area for the detainees' use during unspecified duty hours, thus receiving an undisclosed amount of bribes (pending further verification). After interrogation, the prosecutor determined that Tu was strongly suspected of serious crimes with a minimum sentence of five years, posed risks of fleeing, collusion, and evidence destruction, and thus required detention. Tu was arrested in court, and the prosecutor requested detention without visitation rights from the Yilan District Court, which was granted. The other six individuals were released.

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